Webinar Series

Presented by Custom Internet Services LLC

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Computer with an bad alert

Have You Had Data Exposed in One of These Recent Data Breaches

There’s a reason that browsers like Edge have added breached password notifications. Data breaches are an unfortunate part of life. And can have costly consequences for individuals. Hackers can steal identities and compromise bank accounts, just to name a couple. It’s best to protect yourself with some knowledge. We’ll help by listing several recent breaches. If you’ve interacted with any of these companies, you’ll want to take steps to protect yourself from the fallout.

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Closed lock with a blue tech overlay

2023 Trends in Data Privacy That Could Impact Your Compliance

Data privacy has been a growing requirement ever since the internet age began. So much personal information is flying around through computer networks. Protecting it has become a mandate. To stay on top of your privacy compliance obligations, you should also keep up with trends in this area. Next up, we’ve documented the biggest data privacy trends happening in 2023 that you should be aware of.

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a lock on a laptop

What Cybersecurity Attack Trends Should You Watch Out for in 2023?

The new year has just begun and it’s a time of renewal as we plan for the possibilities to come in 2023. It’s also a time when you need to plan for resiliency in the face of ever-present cyberattacks. We’ve pulled out the security crystal ball for the upcoming year. And we’ve researched what cybersecurity experts are expecting. Here are the attack trends that you need to watch out for.

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What's Changing In The Cybersecurity Insurance Market

What’s Changing in the Cybersecurity Insurance Market?

Cybersecurity insurance is still a pretty new concept for many SMBs. It was initially introduced in the 1990s to provide coverage for large enterprises. It covered things like data processing errors and online media. Here are some of the cyber liability insurance trends you need to know about.

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a lock on a map

5 Ways to Balance User Productivity with Solid Authentication Protocols

One constant struggle in offices is the balance between productivity and security. If you give users too much freedom in your network, risk increases. But add too many security gates, and productivity can dwindle. There are ways to have both secure and productive users. It simply takes adopting some solutions that can help. These are tools that improve authentication security. But do it in a way that keeps user convenience in mind.

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Steve Strom, Owner of Custom Internet Services LLC

About the Presenter

Steve is the Owner and CTO for Custom Internet Services. He has over 20 years of experience in Information Technology and taught IT for 13 years at the college level. He holds several IT certifications from Microsoft and CompTIA and has served as a reviewer or technical editor for several Microsoft certification course books. His cybersecurity experience includes holding several Global Information Assurance Certifications (GSEC, GCIA, GCIH, GCFA, GWEB, GICSP) as well as the NSTISSI 4011 sponsored by the Committee on National Security Systems.

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Backup Planning

October 10, 10:30 AM

If there’s one thing certain in life, it’s that things will fail. Take your business computer system for example – did you realize that the data on that computer and time invested in creating and maintaining that data is worth far more than the computer itself? At the heart of protecting that data is a robust backup and recovery strategy. In this session, we’ll introduce the current 3-2-1 backup best practice, discuss immutability with regards to backups, and learn what needs to be protected.