Webinar Series

Presented by Custom Internet Services LLC

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Are Your Smart Home Devices Spying On You (Experts Say, Yes)

The integration of smart home devices has become synonymous with modern living. They offer convenience, efficiency, and connectivity at our fingertips. It’s natural these days to invite these devices into your home. Yet there is also the need to scrutinize their privacy implications. We’ll shed some light on the potential surveillance risks posed by smart home devices as well as discuss ways to safeguard your privacy in an era of increasing connectivity. 

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a keyboard, pen, and several reports on a desk

Need to Show the Tangible Value of Cybersecurity? Here’s How

Conveying the tangible value of cybersecurity initiatives to decision-makers can be challenging. The need for protection is clear, but executives want hard data to back up spending.

We’ll explore strategies to effectively show the concrete benefits of cybersecurity measures. These can help you make the case for stronger measures at your company. As well as help you understand how your investments return value.

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a guy looking at his computer that has lots of code on it

Top Data Breaches of 2023: Numbers Hit an All-Time High

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge. Unfortunately, 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data breaches. Data compromises have surged to an all-time high in the U.S. This is based on data from the first 9 months of the year. Meaning that numbers will only end up higher for the year. 

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Steve Strom, Owner of Custom Internet Services LLC

About the Presenter

Steve is the Owner and CTO for Custom Internet Services. He has over 20 years of experience in Information Technology and taught IT for 13 years at the college level. He holds several IT certifications from Microsoft and CompTIA and has served as a reviewer or technical editor for several Microsoft certification course books. His cybersecurity experience includes holding several Global Information Assurance Certifications (GSEC, GCIA, GCIH, GCFA, GWEB, GICSP) as well as the NSTISSI 4011 sponsored by the Committee on National Security Systems.

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Backup Planning

October 10, 10:30 AM

If there’s one thing certain in life, it’s that things will fail. Take your business computer system for example – did you realize that the data on that computer and time invested in creating and maintaining that data is worth far more than the computer itself? At the heart of protecting that data is a robust backup and recovery strategy. In this session, we’ll introduce the current 3-2-1 backup best practice, discuss immutability with regards to backups, and learn what needs to be protected.